Sunday, August 7, 2016

House chores on a Sunday vs. FUN?

House chores on a Sunday vs. FUN?

After four kids, let me give you some good advice: on a Sunday when you have time to spend with your family, DO IT!  Forget about the stupid laundry and the endless house chores.  Go and relax with your family instead!  It's good for your mental health, and will make you a much better parent in both the short and long run.  Trust me....I wish I knew better sooner, and stopped myself from focusing on stuff that doesn't bring happiness to me or my family.  Quite honestly, this might be the best parenting advice you'll ever get.

It's no secret that I'm OCD, and freak out at even the slightest hint of household disarray.  So, I'm not an advocate for just letting your house go to complete and utter shambles for the sake of quality parenting.  What I am advocating for is YOU, and I want you to take back your life.   I've been a mom for almost 17 years now, and I've spent more hours than I'd ever openly admit cleaning and fixing up the house instead of enjoying my life.  I know exactly where I learned this type of behavior: my mom.  My mom has spent the majority of her life cleaning the house and obsessing over the house.  I yell at my mom all of the time, insisting that she stop obsessing over that stupid house and to get out and enjoy her life.  Nobody cares how clean her darn house is. (Note: we both have cleaning help that comes each week to our homes, but we clean before the help comes so that they don't think we're not clean).  Do your kids a favor and teach them that life has to more offer than a clean house, or you'll turn them into people who obsess over a clean home.  Hopefully, I'm not teaching my kids the same obsessive traits that I learned from my mom, but I'm sure they're getting a fair does of it.

I've begun to ask myself this question when I start to obsesses over the house: "If I knew that today was my last day on earth, would I spend it cleaning?"  (I think we all can unanimously agree on this one......heck NO!).  If you say yes to this, call me and I'll teach you how to have some fun on your last day!

There's just no need to be an over achiever in areas that don't count or matter.  Read that statement again slowly. Nobody is ever going to remember how clean or not clean your house is.  If someone is judging you on that criteria, they need to get a life and get out of your home.  Get rid of them and find dirtier friends.  If it's a family member doing the judging, throw them a mop and dust cloth and then go outside and sit in the sun, or go get your nails done while they tidy up.

Let's do a little exercise this Sunday, ok? Put down the vacuum and duster right now, and go outside and play with your kids.  Go and do something with your significant other, or for yourself that makes you feel good about you and your family.  After all, you're amazing and don't you think you've earned it?  You're family will thank you for putting them and yourself first over the house.

The house and the chores will be there when you get back.  Pinky promise they will.

Happy Sunday,

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