Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Birchbox vs. Ipsy: Which is Better?

I have to tell you all that I love getting my monthly Birchbox in the mail.  I've been a subscriber now for nearly two years, and I've never once thought about canceling my subscription.  The array of products that they give me I always seem to enjoy and use.  The nominal fee that I pay for my monthly box, $10, is certainly worth the little box of treasures that surprise me in my mailbox each month.  I think that my 3 girls get more excited than I do when they see that I received my box in the mail.  We've enjoyed using everything together from face scrubs, chocolates, BB creams, masks, mascaras, eye liners, body wash and even teas.  We're like kids in a candy store every month when we open it up, and it allows for some fun girl bonding time with my children!

This leads me into Ipsy, a similar company that offers a monthly box of goodies for the same price of $10/mo.  My 12 year old daughter really wanted to receive her own monthly box, and suggested that I sign her up for an Ipsy box.  Of course, she wasn't just going to get one for no good reason because we can't just give our kids everything that they want, right?  So for Christmas this year I decided to surprise her with a one year subscription to Ipsy!  When she opened the box with the confirmation she was over-the-moon excited and couldn't believe that I remembered that she had wanted it so badly.  I ordered her subscription on December 24th and printed out the confirmation so that I could wrap it.  At the time of order, the site told me that I'd be "wait listed", but I could avoid the wait list by posting about their company to Twitter or Facebook.  I'm rather private about my social media and I didn't want to post about an item that I've never even received, touting it as though it was the next greatest thing.  I was a little taken aback by that to say the least, so i went with the  "wait list"  option for the time being.

Today is January 28th and we're still wait listed over a month later.  My poor, deprived little girl is without her Christmas gift and keeps asking when she'll get it.  I mean, come on……she's 12 and she NEEDS her beauty products, damn it!!! Oh, the agony!  So I finally received an email this morning that I can get off of the wait list if I share Ipsy on Facebook.  (apparently, this is the only way I'm getting out of jail, so  I decide to take the bait to save face with my tween and do it against my better judgement and morals.)

I now am asked to go through a 4 part series of posting to Facebook, sharing my Facebook contacts and friends list with them, and then subscribing to all of their You Tube channels.  By blood is boiling by now, because I'm being backed into a corner over this darn box.  I hit send and I'm free!  I'm finally off of the blacklist……we're out of jail!


Let me tell you a little something……First, don't bully your customers by making them give you private information just to get your darn box.  I've out smarted you by logging into an unused Facebook account with only 3 friends.  I would never give a company free access to my private information, no matter my thousands of Facebook contacts.  If it wasn't for me giving this as a gift to my daughter, I would've told you to take your silly box and shove it!

I'm sticking to Birchbox, who is glad to have me as a valued customer.  So to answer which ones better?  Well, I think that my post speaks for itself.

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